Kicking it for Jason

Jason Thompson's Battle with Cancer

Early in the morning of February 11, 2010, Jason passed away

Jason's Story

September 1.
I called this morning and the nurse said he was sleeping and had his second bag of chemo hooked up.   I tried to call a few times during the day but it just went to voice mail so I knew he must not be feeling too good.  I finally spoke with him at 7pm and he said the chemo is hitting him pretty hard already, He had not eaten and had dry heaves during the time when he would wake up.  So he just tried to sleep most of the day.  He has a bad headache that started almost immediately when hooked up to chemo that has not gone away.

Thanks again to everyone who came out to see Jason and for the cards and emails.  He sure wishes he could just be home.

walking and going to carry my own stuff!"  He has improved physically and looks much stronger all around and more capable of fighting this thing than even a week ago. Thanks for the continued prayers, they are working!!!!!!!

September 6
I picked up Jason Saturday evening, he has been released after a week of chemo.   He will have to live close to Mayo as going home is not an option at this time.  He has to stay away from public places for about a week or until his blood counts come back up.  He will probably sleep most of the time anyway as he get quite tired quickly.   The most critical thing during this time is infections and if his temperature rises to 100.4 he will have to be readmitted until fever goes away.      He has appointments next week to monitor his blood counts and get transfusions if needed.  Hopefully after a week his body will start to recover and heal and then he will be admitted to
repeat the process all over again.  The plan is to do this for a minimum of 4 months and then discuss what to do next.   He has had good results from the bone marrow search and they are starting to screen his matches and narrow it down to try to get a most perfect match.  

We are going to try to find a furnished apartment/house to stay during this time.  He is looking really good and has put more weight on.

I have been home all week working so when I arrived last night to pick him up I could not believe he was up and walking around right after chemo and blood transfusions.  They took the pic line out of his arm, he changed his clothes, packed up the room, and walked out of the hospital.  No wheelchair for Jason!!  "I'm walking and going to carry my own stuff!"  He has improved physically and looks much stronger all around and more capable of fighting this thing than even a week ago. Thanks for the continued prayers, they are working!!!!!!!

The updates will probably be weekly unless we have some good news to report or if some complications arise.

September 13

Jason went to the Emergency at Mayo Sunday night at 12:30 am because he could taste blood.  Since his platelet are very low, he is at risk for hemorrhaging and he has to be very careful of internal bleeding.  He received some platelets and was admitting to the hospital for blood transfusions and to monitor him.  He has a very quiet week last week waiting for his body to start the recovering process from the last chemo.  The blood tests on Friday showed that is immune system was not improving yet and things were taking a bit longer than usual.  this was probably due to how sick he was before and his body is still very weak from that time period.  The Dr. visit on Friday did confirm that they will talk about a sooner bone marrow transplant rather that later.  Most of the time they do it as a last resort after remission when cancer has returned.  Since Jason's cancer is very aggressive and involves so many places, it is difficult to monitor the whole body.  If there is just one cancer cell left, it will return.  They think it is best  to have this done.  He will still have the 3 more months of chemo while they are deciding about the bone marrow transplant.  Jason should be release this evening if all good good to continue his recovery until the next round is schedule.  They are truly amazing to see him him after how dismal things were when we brought him here.  We are so blessed and happy he was come this far.

September 15 

Jason was released from the hospital last night and is recovering  in Jacksonville.

Sept 18 - 25
Friday morning at close to 10:30 I could hear Jason getting sick and went it to check on him.  He was shaking uncontrollably and I could tell he had a fever.   I knew we had to get to Emergency as soon as possible.  I called Jason's Dr. ahead of time and we drove the short drive to the hospital.  I dropped him off at the door ER door.  By the time I parked the car and went in, he was already receiving care.  They started an antibiotic IV and took him for a chest X ray.  When they wheeled him back, he was not responding and did not look right.  A minute later he had 2 seizures, one right after the other.   The next thing I knew, he was heading to intensive care in critical condition.  His fever spiked to 104, which for a healthy person is high.  For an immune compromised person this can be fatal.  they placed him on a cooling blanket, turned down the thermostat and placed ice under his neck and armpits.  They needed to get his core temperature down to decrease his body's need for oxygen and reduce the stress on the body.  They noticed on the x-ray his lungs looked cloudy and there were spots scattered here and there.  They inserted a tube into his lungs and placed some fluid, then evacuated out the fluid to get some cells from the lining out for testing.  At 3:00 am he started having difficulties breathing.  Respiratory came in with breathing equipment.  It was confirmed with another x-ray they things were getting worse.  By 5 am, he was on a respirator and no longer conscious.

Saturday morning, Dr came in and said it was very critical--were there other family members?  I said everyone is on their way.  He has sepsis and was being treated for septic shock.  His blood pressure was very low and pulse very high.  He had a rough road ahead and it was very uncertain at this point.  They hadn't identified the organism causing the infection yet, so they were treating him with everything possible.  IVs in arm and neck and 2 trees of bags suspended with antibiotics, antifungals and antivirals.  Saturday evening Jason's brother arrived and by Sunday morning, his father also. 

Sunday, not much change, still on the ventilator, still not conscious.

Monday.  They identified the type of infection and he was being treated specifically for it.  His blood pressure has stabilized and his pulse was better.  There was talk of removing him from the ventilator if we could get him to respond to commands.  He was removed and breathing on his own.


Another long night, no sleep and pain in his side.  After more x-rays, they determined that the lungs themselves look better but the lining around the lungs  is inflamed.  They think the pain is from Pleurisy. 

He sat in a chair and later in the afternoon took a walk.  His potassium is critically low and he is constantly being treated for that. (Potassium is critical to the function of muscle and nerve cells)

Wednesday, another night of no sleep and side pain.  He is constantly ringing the nurse for more pain med and what he gets does not last long enough to bring sleep.  He seems much more alert and awake today.

Thursday, Still worn out and extremely tried, but all vital signs are stable.  His infection and pneumonia is responding to antibiotics very well and his potassium levels have improved.  They decided to discharge him at around 5 pm.  It is a miracle that he is walking around.  He walked out of the hospital and got into the car!  We will remain in Jacksonville to be close to the Mayo Facility as getting responsive care by people who know Jason's situation is very important.  We are still looking for short term housing here.
October 16
Jason is still recovering from the intensive care episode in September and is being monitored closely.  They are also looking into why he had two seizures.  He has weekly consultations with his doctors to discuss future treatments including the bone marrow transplant and more chemotherapy.  They decided to give Jason a few more weeks to recover and become stronger. 

This week we moved into a wonderful place and feel very blessed after months of searching and moving from place to place.  It is a relief to finally feel at home and safe and to see the joy in Jason's face to be settled in this beautiful place. 

Updates will be coming at 2 week intervals unless we hear new news about a transplant date or new treatment plans.  Thank you for your prayers and continued concern.