Kicking it for Jason

Jason Thompson's Battle with Cancer

Early in the morning of February 11, 2010, Jason passed away

Jason's Story
November 8
Jason has had a busy month of endless testing.  They found some suspicious areas and he will be having surgery next Tuesday, November 17.   They found a match for his bone marrow transplant and are working on arrangements for that.  When he is recovered from his surgery, they will set a date for the transplant--probably close to Christmas time.  This unexpected surgery has been weighing heavily on Jason, but each day brings more peace.  His brother, Jerry, surprised him last week with a visit.  The two of them rented scooters and buzzed around together.  It was great to see Jason have some fun and freedom before the long months he will have in the hospital very soon.
November 24
Jason's surgery went well on the Tuesday, the 17th, and we were back to our Jacksonville home at around 1 pm.  After getting him settled in, I received a phone call to verify his spinal tap and spinal chemotherapy the next morning.  They could not do it later in the week so we were up early and back at the hospital the next day.  It was a very difficult day for Jason and I was glad to get him home afterward.  Thursday through Sunday were very difficult days with nausea and terrible headaches.  He could not tolerate sitting up or standing and spent the next five days flat in bed.  This is caused by the spinal fluid leaking at the site of the tap.  It is necessary to to wait for it to heal on its own or have a "blood patch" to seal it off.  He decided to wait and try to make it through the weekend without having to go to Emergency.  He woke up Monday feeling much better, able to walk and sit.  We have another appointment for the same on Wednesday and are hoping that this time won't be so hard.  We have no plans for the holiday, just a small dinner whenever Jason feels up to eating. 

Have a wonderful holiday with your families and friends!  Thank you, to each and every one of you, for the thoughts and prayers, cards, emails, kind words, donations and ongoing concern.   We are so grateful for everything and words cannot express it.  It is the most amazing thing we have ever experienced!   Bless you all.

November 25
Jason was scheduled to have his 3rd spinal tap/chemotherapy today, but it has been postponed until Monday the 30th.  This was a relief for Jason since he is having a lot of pain in his shoulder and arm and having difficulty moving around.

November 26
We had a nice quiet day and enjoyed a small dinner and watched a few movies.  Jason is not feeling the best but we enjoyed relaxing.  In the evening it seemed that his shoulder was getting better, but his back was beginning to hurt.

November 27 and 28
The pain in his back increased as the day went on, and by midnight we were in the Emergency Room.  He was having so much pain and huge body spasms.  They were visible and occurring every couple of seconds.  He was exhausted from these and worn out from the pain.  After 4 hours the pain was under control and I took him home and got him in bed.  He is sleeping as I am writing this so I do not know how the day will go.  If the pain comes back after the medication wears off, he will have to be admitted to keep it under control until they can run tests on Monday.  Since he does not have a fever, they do not assume it is life threatening.  The goal is to make him comfortable until Monday.